Callier-Scollard Violins
Craig Scollard

50 E. Green St. Suite 142
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 795-2870

Mon, Tue, Wed 10:00-1:00.
Thu, Fri, Sat 2:00 to 5:00

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Cello Scroll Repair: Methods and Techniques | Expert Luthier

Another cello scroll that was broken through the "A" peg. This crack did not line up very good, so I needed to clamp it using a different method.

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Another cello that I fixed about the same time but with a different clamping technique.

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Here is a cello scroll that had been repaired before by another shop. I believe it was dropped again and the scroll broke in some new spots and also at the original break. Here is a photo of the clamping process.

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Here is a small size cello with a broken scroll. I believe it had been broken for quite a while. It would not line up on all three sides at the same time so I had to clamp one side at a time. Sometimes using rubber bands gives a little extra pressure in the appropriate direction..

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Comments (1)
Broken Cello Scroll
# 1
Wednesday, 07/15/2020
Mark Scavelli
Scroll broken completely off at top string adjuster.
Can this be fixed? How much?
How to include a pic?
Broken Cello Scroll
Monday, 08/31/2020
Craig Scollard

From your description, it seems like the scroll broke off and the break goes through one of the peg holes. Those can be fixed, but the peg hole will need to be bushed with a spiral bushing.

To give an estimate I would need to see the cello, the repair price could range from 75 to 100 to glue the break and about 15 to bush the peg hole and refit the peg a little.

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