A nice old violin that had very ruff varnish texture on the top.
IMG 20200828 152903 6
IMG 20200903 141244 6
This violin had some blackish overvarnish.
IMG 20200507 140532 1
IMG 20200829 181324 5
IMG 20200829 181345 9
Another Violin with rosin buildup.
IMG 20200530 150559 0munos
IMG 20200617 112355 4munos
A violin that had years of rosin build up. More photos will be uploaded after it's cleaned.
IMG 20190607 145040
IMG 20190711 144822
This is a violin that had lots of rosin that was stuck in the varnish of the top. Instruments that have rosin embedded into the varnish need to be cleaned a little at a time. It sometimes takes several weeks of careful cleaning to finally restore the varnish back to it's original transparent appearance.
IMG 20161215 155237
IMG 20161215 155317
IMG 20161226
IMG 20161226 111240
IMG 20161226 111328
IMG 20161226 111338
IMG 20161226 111401
IMG 20161226 111412
Comments (1)
Cleaning a violin
# 1
Thursday, 07/20/2017
Bonita Makin
I have my dads violin that was purchased at your original LA store on Sunset Blvd. This violin has been played at various army camps during WWW2. Dad was very proud that he had served around the world and the violin went with him. I am wondering what I can do to clean the Rosen away from the bridge without damaging it.
Heavy Rosin Buildup
Thursday, 07/11/2019
Craig Scollard
If there is a lot of rosin buildup it needs to be carefully cleaned. Sometimes cleaning lots of rosin off a violin takes several weeks because you can only take a little off at a time before the varnish starts to become tacky. Once it's tacky you need to wait several days before you continue cleaning.
If you are still in the area, bring it in I'll take a look at it.
If you are still in the area, bring it in I'll take a look at it.