Callier-Scollard Violins
Craig Scollard

50 E. Green St. Suite 142
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 795-2870

Mon, Tue, Wed 10:00-1:00.
Thu, Fri, Sat 2:00 to 5:00

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Search Keyword: hole cracks

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1. Crack Repairs Near ff-Holes
( General » Repairs )
Here is a cello where the crack that went into the ff hold did not line up very good. The easiest way to get the alignment perfect is to make a small mold and clamp the top to the mold and then clamp the ...
This cello had one of the most challenging cracks to repair—caused by pressure from the soundpost, which caused the back to bulge slightly. The crack also ran diagonally across the grain, adding to the ...
  This student cello had a significant issue—a large hole in its plywood rib, with fractures spreading through its thin maple veneer. Given the instrument’s value, disassembling it for repair wasn’t ...
This is a bass where the seams were popping open and there was a bad couple rib cracks on the bottom bout. I glued the bad rib cracks from the outside by making a mold. After they were all glued together ...
... magnets to install cleats from the outside especially for back seams or other back cracks. Possible even cracks or center seams on the top of cellos or basses would be possible if needed. These are the ...
... was to cleat the back seam. Oddly originally there were a numerous amount of thin cleats that didn't hole the center seam together. I used a bunch of rectangular cleats (double the amount shown in the ...
... crack Because of these two cracks, the bass bar was caved in by about 1/2 of an inch, and the sound post side was bulging out about a 1/4 of an inch. I believe these two cracks had ben glued before ...
FF Hole Cracks are very common for violin family instruments. Most of the time they can be glued from the outside. If the instrument is taken apart a well fitted cleat can be added to help strengthen that ...
...    Here is a viola where the top was cracked into two pieces, there was also a small crack from the f hole up near the bass bar. It must have taken quite an impact because the chinrest ...
...  Repairing a Broken Cello Scroll This cello scroll had multiple cracks, including a small shard that had broken off. Due to the complexity of the damage, I repaired each section individually to ensure ...
11. Cell with hole in back
( General » Information )
This cello fell over and landed on it's back. It was in a soft case and when it landed it must have hit the buckle on the back which forced all of the pressure to one spot and punched a hole straight through ...
12. Bass Rib Repair
( General » Information )
This was a Bass with laminated ribs. The student's Father shut his rear deck-lid on top of the rib and it created a rather large hole with lots of shards of plywood.  Since this was only a student ...
13. Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass Crack Repairs
( General » Information )
... plates can not gradually adjust to their new size, cracks can develop. If you develop cracks that are adjacent to the saddle, most likely it's a sign that the saddle is a little too tight and it's not ...
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